apple / swift-distributed-actors

Peer-to-peer cluster implementation for Swift Distributed Actors
Apache License 2.0
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Fix Scheduler implementation for ILP32 platforms such as watchOS #1137

Closed christopherweems closed 10 months ago

christopherweems commented 10 months ago

Fix Scheduler implementation for ILP32 platforms such as watchOS on arm64_32


Fix a bug in the Scheduler where converting the UInt64 nanoseconds value from a Duration value to the DispatchTimeInterval's Int associated value causes an uncaught overflow and crash on devices with 32-bit Int values.


Add DispatchTime.init(nowDelayedBy:), which computes the deadline and avoids casting to Int Replace adhoc computations of Scheduler deadline with designated DispatchTime.init(nowDelayedBy:)


Prevents crash on ILP32 platforms when time delay exceeds a value that fits within a 32-bit Int

ktoso commented 10 months ago

@swift-server-bot test this please

ktoso commented 10 months ago

Unrelated test hang on 5.8 only:

ktoso commented 10 months ago

Thanks, though I'm very surprised about using the cluster on a watch -- that's not a great ideas since it needs to perform heartbeats and active connections which would drain power quickly etc. It's not really a platform we support with the cluster.

Fix looks okey though, thank you!

christopherweems commented 10 months ago

Ahh my novice is showing -- thanks for taking a look. I'll look towards moving to another actor system, or rolling one, but it the mean time its really nice to be able to connect to the cluster system while I figure this stuff out. Thanks again!