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update documentation references to fix broken reference links on SwiftPackageIndex hosted documentation for main #143

Closed heckj closed 8 months ago

heckj commented 8 months ago

While reading through the documentation at SwiftPackageIndex, I found a number of places where a disambiguation marker had changed since the documentation was written, leaving a warning in it's place - and worse, not providing the reference intended.

I changed instances of withSpan(_:context:ofKind:at:function:file:line:_:)-4o2b to withSpan(_:context:ofKind:at:function:file:line:_:)-8gw3v, used in the following context:

In order to avoid this duplicate work, it is beneficial to use the
``withSpan(_:context:ofKind:at:function:file:line:_:)-8gw3v`` overload, 
which also accepts a `ServiceContext` as parameter, rather than picking it up from the task-local value:

There were several overloads to choose from, and I think this is the most relevant one to run with. If another is more appropriate, I'm happy to make the relevant updates in this PR

ktoso commented 8 months ago

@swift-server-bot add to allowlist

ktoso commented 8 months ago

@swift-server-bot test this please