@fabianfett noticed he ended up with logs containing:
<date> info what : http_flavor=string("1.1") http_method=string("GET") http_status_code=string("405 Method Not Allowed") http_target=string("/") [What] Some message
which wrongly have those string() in there.
The code used to produce this was this:
var metadata = Logger.Metadata()
if let httpSpan = trace.httpSpan {
if let method = httpSpan.attributes["http.method"] {
metadata["http_method"] = "\(method.toSpanAttribute())"
if let route = httpSpan.attributes["http.route"] {
metadata["http_route"] = "\(route)"
So this PR is to discuss what we should do about this.
@fabianfett noticed he ended up with logs containing:
<date> info what : http_flavor=string("1.1") http_method=string("GET") http_status_code=string("405 Method Not Allowed") http_target=string("/") [What] Some message
which wrongly have those
in there.The code used to produce this was this:
So this PR is to discuss what we should do about this.