apple / swift-embedded-examples

A collection of example projects using Embedded Swift
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`nrfx-blink-sdk` can't build the example #14

Open naknut opened 2 weeks ago

naknut commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! I have been following the instructions for the nrfx-blink-sdk sample but when I run cmake --build build I get the following error. From what I understand it seems like the inttypes.h header is not in the toolchain? It looks like its trying to use the development toolchain I downloaded from June 11.

[1/135] Preparing syscall dependency handling

[3/135] Generating include/generated/zephyr/version.h
-- Zephyr version: 3.6.99 (/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr), build: v3.6.0-5909-gdfb240f37ced
[4/135] Generating _swiftcode.o
FAILED: _swiftcode.o /Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/build/_swiftcode.o 
cd /Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/build && /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-06-11-a.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc -target armv7em-none-none-eabi -Xcc -mfloat-abi=soft -Xcc -fshort-enums -Xfrontend -function-sections -enable-experimental-feature Embedded -wmo -parse-as-library $( echo '/Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/build/zephyr/include/generated/zephyr;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include;/Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/build/zephyr/include/generated;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/soc/nordic;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/lib/libc/common/include;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/soc/nordic/nrf52/.;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/soc/nordic/common/.;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/modules/hal/cmsis/CMSIS/Core/Include;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/modules/cmsis/.;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx/drivers/include;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/modules/hal/nordic/nrfx/mdk;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/modules/hal_nordic/nrfx/.;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/modules/debug/segger/SEGGER;/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/modules/debug/segger/Config;' | sed 's/ $//' | tr ';' '\n' | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/-Xcc -I\1/g' ) $( echo 'KERNEL;__ZEPHYR__=1;;__LINUX_ERRNO_EXTENSIONS__;PICOLIBC_LONG_LONG_PRINTF_SCANF;__PROGRAM_START;NRF52840_XXAA;K_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE=0' | sed 's/ $/' | tr ';' '\n' | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/-Xcc \1/g' ) -Xcc -DKERNEL -Xcc -DNRF52840_XXAA -Xcc -DPICOLIBC_INTEGER_PRINTF_SCANF -Xcc -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -Xcc -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809 -Xcc -D__LINUX_ERRNO_EXTENSIONS__ -Xcc -D__PROGRAM_START -Xcc -D__ZEPHYR__=1 -Xcc -I/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/20d68df7e5/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/picolibc/include -import-bridging-header /Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/BridgingHeader.h /Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/main.swift -c -o /Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/build/_swiftcode.o
sed: 1: "s/ $/": unterminated substitute in regular expression
error: generate-pch command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
/Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/BridgingHeader.h:14:10: note: in file included from /Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/BridgingHeader.h:14:
12 | #include <autoconf.h>
13 | 
14 | #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
   |          `- note: in file included from /Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/BridgingHeader.h:14:
15 | #include <zephyr/drivers/gpio.h>
16 | 

/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/kernel.h:17:10: note: in file included from /Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/kernel.h:17:
  15 | 
  16 | #if !defined(_ASMLANGUAGE)
  17 | #include <zephyr/kernel_includes.h>
     |          `- note: in file included from /Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/kernel.h:17:
  18 | #include <errno.h>
  19 | #include <limits.h>

/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/kernel_includes.h:34:10: note: in file included from /Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/kernel_includes.h:34:
32 | #include <zephyr/kernel_structs.h>
33 | #include <zephyr/kernel_version.h>
34 | #include <zephyr/syscall.h>
   |          `- note: in file included from /Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/kernel_includes.h:34:
35 | #include <zephyr/sys/printk.h>
36 | #include <zephyr/arch/cpu.h>

/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/syscall.h:11:10: error: 'zephyr/syscall_list.h' file not found
 10 | 
 11 | #include <zephyr/syscall_list.h>
    |          `- error: 'zephyr/syscall_list.h' file not found
 12 | #include <zephyr/arch/syscall.h>
 13 | #include <stdbool.h>

/Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/sys/printk.h:14:10: note: while building module '_Builtin_inttypes' imported from /Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/sys/printk.h:14:
12 | #include <stddef.h>
13 | #include <stdarg.h>
14 | #include <inttypes.h>
   |          `- note: while building module '_Builtin_inttypes' imported from /Users/naknut/zephyrproject/zephyr/include/zephyr/sys/printk.h:14:
15 | 
16 | #ifdef __cplusplus

<module-includes>:1:10: note: in file included from <module-includes>:1:
1 | #include "inttypes.h"
  |          `- note: in file included from <module-includes>:1:
2 | 

2 errors generated.
<unknown>:0: error: failed to emit precompiled header '/var/folders/ls/h7hs2hk92g7_qynprm35gyqw0000gn/T/TemporaryDirectory.DbOdPp/BridgingHeader.pch' for bridging header '/Users/naknut/Developer/swift-embedded-examples/nrfx-blink-sdk/BridgingHeader.h'
/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2024-06-11-a.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/clang/include/inttypes.h:21:15: error: 'inttypes.h' file not found
19 | #endif
20 | 
21 | #include_next <inttypes.h>
   |               `- error: 'inttypes.h' file not found
22 | 
23 | #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
[5/135] Generating misc/generated/syscalls.json, misc/generated/struct_tags.json
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
rauhul commented 2 weeks ago

reproduced this!

jmarcelino commented 2 weeks ago

I'm getting an error even before that, from

sed 's/;$$/' seems it's missing the closing /?
And sed -e 's/\\\(.*\\\)/-Xcc \\1/g' \ is missing a -D ?

rauhul commented 2 weeks ago

I'm hoping to replace the cmake in this example with the native CMake Swift support added in 3.29. @etcwilde and I started this today and I'll hopefully find time next week to finish it up

rauhul commented 1 week ago

@naknut @jmarcelino could you try the update-nrfx-cmake branch of this repo? It should resolve the issue

naknut commented 1 week ago

Yeah it's building now! Can't find my board to try and flash it though, but I can verify that it builds! Thanks!

jmarcelino commented 1 week ago

Thanks so much @rauhul the example compiles well now but for some reason it's crashing my board, even JLInk stops after I upload the firmware. Fortunately running nrfjprog --recover in a loop while power cycling gets things back under control - but usually a sign the firmware is misbehaving.

I'm not using the NRF52840-DK though I'm using the rak4631 which is a nRF52840 + LoRa, but it is a board supported by Zephyr and the Zephyr Blinky works well. led0 is correctly defined to be the user led.

Will try to figure out more over the next few days.

Getting it to compile cleanly is already great, I'm quite new to this tooling. Thanks for that.

rauhul commented 1 week ago

Maybe @kubamracek has some ideas but I unfortunately dont have an actual board to test against, so any deductions you're able to come to would be super helpful.

kubamracek commented 1 week ago

I'll test this out on Monday

naknut commented 1 week ago

I just found my board and tried to run it. It seems to be crashing for me too. Its gets written to the board successfully but the LED never starts blinking. This is done on a nRF52840-DK