apple / swift-nio-imap

A Swift project that provides an implementation of the IMAP4rev1 protocol, built upon SwiftNIO.
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IMAPClientHandler breaks when inbound buffer splits between CR and LF #772

Open Aloisius opened 1 month ago

Aloisius commented 1 month ago

Expected behavior

Reading well-formatted responses from a server should succeed regardless of how frames are split

Actual behavior

An exception is thrown IMAPDecoderError(parserError: NIOIMAPCore.ParserError(...) if a response is split between two buffers between a \r and \n.

This can happen when a server sends a very large response back which ends up being split between 8K buffers and the split just happens to land right after a carriage return. The next buffer will then start with a line-feed which the parser will blow up on.

Steps to reproduce

This is a bit hard to reproduce in the wild

  1. Issue a command to a server with a very large response, where the 8192th byte of a response buffer is a \r
  2. Parse the responses with IMAPClientHandler()

If possible, minimal yet complete reproducer code (or URL to code)

Add this test case to Tests/NIOIMAPTests/Coders/IMAPClientHandlerTests.swift:

class IMAPClientHandlerTests: XCTestCase {
    // ....

    func testSplitCRLF() {
        self.writeOutbound(.tagged(.init(tag: "a", command: .uidFetch(messages: .all, attributes: [.uid], modifiers: [])!)))
        self.assertOutboundString("a UID FETCH 1:* (UID)\r\n")

        self.writeInbound("* 38001 FETCH (UID 114597)\r")
        self.writeInbound("\n* 38045 FETCH (UID 114662)\r\n")

This will give an error:

IMAPDecoderError(parserError: NIOIMAPCore.ParserError(hint: "none of the options match", file: "NIOIMAPCore/ParserLibrary.swift", line: 221), buffer: ByteBuffer { readerIndex: 0, writerIndex: 29, readableBytes: 29, capacity: 32, storageCapacity: 32, slice: _ByteBufferSlice { 0..<32 }, storage: 0x00006000032f1480 (32 bytes) } readable bytes (max 1k): [ 0a 2a 20 33 38 30 34 35 20 46 45 54 43 48 20 28 55 49 44 20 31 31 34 36 36 32 29 0d 0a ])"

SwiftNIO version/commit hash


Swift & OS version (output of swift --version && uname -a)

swift-driver version: 1.115 Apple Swift version 6.0 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.2) Target: arm64-apple-macosx15.0 Darwin redacted.local 24.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 24.0.0: Mon Aug 12 20:49:48 PDT 2024; root:xnu-11215.1.10~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 arm64

Aloisius commented 1 month ago

I think I see the problem here.

For the IMAPServerHandler, there is a FramingParser which has logic which will properly ignore a buffer that starts with a \n if the previous buffer ended in a \r. To that end, #670 was commited to make the newline parsing in ParserLibrary.parseNewline to be more lenient than the protocol allows by accepting a single \r as the termination of the response if it existed at the end of a buffer.

Unfortunately, IMAPClientHandler does not use the FramingParser, so the leniency ends up causing a parsing error when a buffer ends in a \r and the next starts with a \n.