apple / swift-nio-ssl

TLS Support for SwiftNIO, based on BoringSSL.
Apache License 2.0
385 stars 139 forks source link

Does swift-nio-ssl support windows 11 ? #432

Closed reddream closed 1 year ago

reddream commented 1 year ago

I am adding some ciphers into swift-nio-ssl to support mac/ios, but I am working on windows 11 and use swfit for windows to build it (I do not have mac env). There are some errors during compiling , and I see the macro below in SSLContext.swift

if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)

import Darwin.C

elseif os(Linux) || os(FreeBSD) || os(Android)

import Glibc


error("unsupported os")


It seems that this prj does not support windows , right ?

Lukasa commented 1 year ago

swift-nio (our critical dependency) does not support Windows, and until it does this project cannot support it either.

reddream commented 1 year ago

Got it. I plan to add ciphers using boringssl with commit abfd5ebc87ddca0fab9fca067c9d7edbc355eae8 in windows. then migrate the code of ciphters into swift-nio-ssl/Sources/CNIOBoringSSL, changing struct NIOTLSCipher in TLSConfiguration.swift. In your opion , is there any issues in adding self-defined ciphers?

Lukasa commented 1 year ago

We do not carry patches to BoringSSL in this codebase, so if you need to add things to CNIOBoringSSL you'll need to get them added upstream in BoringSSL.