Closed mcantillon21 closed 11 months ago
The error you're seeing is a DNS resolution failure: we're failing to resolve
as a hostname.
Is that hostname behind a VPN or some other limiter? Additionally, does your app have appropriate watch entitlements for networking?
I don't think it's behind any VPN. It worked well with my android watch.
Once interesting thing is that when I run nslookup theres some multiple IPs, maybe for load balancing.
(base) mollycantillon@DN0a1f6d8d ~ % nslookup Server: Address:
Non-authoritative answer: Name: Address: Name: Address: Name: Address: Name: Address: Name: Address: Name: Address:
Also not sure what watch entitlements I would need for networking, I have enabled background modes so far
What is the easiest workaround here? Just looking for the quickest solution.
There is a tech-note that discusses watchOS networking. The code you have here is not going to work on watchOS for the following reasons:
Assuming you meet one of the latter three criteria (it seems like you have an audio streaming session so that may well work), you just need to swap your backend. You can use swift-nio-transport-services
instead of NIO POSIX. It should require only a small tweak: replace the NIOPOSIX
import with NIOTransportServices
, and then use NIOTSConnectionBootstrap
and NIOTSEventLoopGroup
instead of ClientBootstrap
and MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup
. The rest should all work.
Thanks I just made the switch. However, I'm still getting the following error no matter how long I get the timeout to be. Where can I declare that my app meets the first requirement?
Failed to connect to the server: connectTimeout(NIOCore.TimeAmount(nanoseconds: 10000000000))
You don't declare it, you just need an active audio session before you call connect
Are you using NIOTransportServices?
Yes I am but same error. What else am I supposed to change here?
It just fails to connect to the server. In the bootstrap.connect line.
func sendTranscriptionToQueryEndpoint(transcription: String) {
print("Sending transcription to query endpoint...")
let userID = "254439ca-8ea0-4430-83e5-9ef1f885d7fc"
let group = NIOTSEventLoopGroup()
let bootstrap = NIOTSConnectionBootstrap(group: group)
.channelOption(ChannelOptions.socket(SocketOptionLevel(SOL_SOCKET), SO_REUSEADDR), value: 1)
.channelInitializer { channel in
var request = HTTPRequestHead(version: .init(major: 1, minor: 1), method: .POST, uri: "/query")
request.headers.add(name: "Content-Type", value: "application/json")
let body: [String: Any] = ["userID": userID, "transcript": transcription, "history": []]
do {
let bodyData = try body)
var requestBuffer = ByteBufferAllocator().buffer(capacity: bodyData.count)
request.headers.add(name: "Content-Length", value: String(bodyData.count))
let channelFuture = bootstrap.connect(host: "", port: 443)
channelFuture.whenSuccess { channel in
print("Successfully connected to the server.")
let writeFuture = channel.writeAndFlush(HTTPClientRequestPart.head(request))
writeFuture.whenSuccess {
print("Successfully wrote request head.")
let bodyMapped = channel.writeAndFlush(HTTPClientRequestPart.body(.byteBuffer(requestBuffer)))
bodyMapped.whenSuccess {
print("Successfully wrote and flushed request body.")
bodyMapped.whenFailure { error in
print("Failed to write and flush request body: \(error)")
writeFuture.whenFailure { error in
print("Failed to write request head: \(error)")
channelFuture.whenFailure { error in
print("Failed to connect to the server: \(error)")
} catch {
print("Failed to create body JSON data: \(error)")
Hello, I faced with connection error too.
For example I can connect to host with .pem certificate an .key from USA. All users which tried to connect from USA it works. Users from India can't connect. We tried to check host through telnet and mosquito it works. but not from our app.
Do you know where we can have issue?
Expected behavior
Everything works: connection to server, sending the request, receiving the responses' audio stream and playing it outloud in real-time
Actual behavior
Failed to connect to the server: NIOConnectionError(host: "", port: 443, dnsAError: Optional(NIOCore.SocketAddressError.unknown(host: "", port: 443)), dnsAAAAError: Optional(NIOCore.SocketAddressError.unknown(host: "", port: 443)), connectionErrors:
Steps to reproduce
For some reason this works on my Watch Simulator but not my physical watch which is arguably more important.
Not sure why this is happening, but my guess is it has something to do with the TLS, SSL configuration. It doesn't like moving to a different network, but the watch has a cellular plan so it should use that.
This is probably the most relevant function here:
` func sendTranscriptionToQueryEndpoint(transcription: String) { print("Sending transcription to query endpoint...") let userID = "254439ca-8ea0-4430-83e5-9ef1f885d7fc"
`class HTTPHandler: ChannelInboundHandler { typealias InboundIn = HTTPClientResponsePart
} ` Happy to provide more context, but I have been struggling with this for the past week. Would love any help.
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