apple / swift-openapi-generator

Generate Swift client and server code from an OpenAPI document.
Apache License 2.0
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Support mixed path parameters (part constant, part variable) in client requests #490

Closed clearbrian closed 5 months ago

clearbrian commented 5 months ago


If URL parameter is String + Int then throws Unprocessible Content error.

The Victoria & Albert museum in London has put their huge collection behind an openapi api.

Spec is at

Every object has an system id which starts with a O e.g. O81405 - Returns a painting

The most basic api to get a single object is defined as:

**"\\/v2\\/object\\/O{object_num}" : {**
      "get" : {
        "operationId" : "collection_object_v2_object_O_object_num__get",
        "parameters" : [
            "in" : "path",
            **"name" : "object_num",**
            "required" : true,
            "schema" : {
              "title" : "The unique system number of the museum object",
              **"type" : "integer"**

Note the pre-filled O in the path so the param is a String but in the generated code you pass in an Int e.g. 81405 and its appended to the 'O' to get the final url param "O81405"


And the parameter type for object_num is an int

 "parameters" : [
            "name" : "object_num",
           "schema" : {
              "title" : "The unique system number of the museum object",
              "type" : "integer"

When i generate a app with this spec.

And pass in an Int

let object_num: Int = 81405

let path = Operations.collection_object_v2_object_O_object_num__get.Input.Path.init(object_num: object_num)

let output = try await client.collection_object_v2_object_O_object_num__get(path:path)


At build time it returns a Unprocessable Content complaining “param is not an Int”

FIX - To get it to work I have to manually change the spec

"\/v2\/object\/**O{object_num}**" : {

"\/v2\/object\/**{object_num}**" : {
"\\/v2\\/object\\/{object_num}" : {
  "get" : {
    "parameters" : [
        "schema" : {
          "type" : "string"
        "name" : "object_num"

I changed the Input to be a String and include the O in the object ID

//let object_num: Int = 81405
let object_num: String = "O81405"

//And now api generated code works

let path = Operations.collection_object_v2_object_O_object_num__get.Input.Path.init(object_num: object_num)

let output = try await client.collection_object_v2_object_O_object_num__get(path:path)


And code runs fine though I need to hack the spec so if would be better if the generator could handle this format.

Api generator should handle this valid api definition where the sub part of the url may be String and Int{object_num}?response_format=prettyjson





Get official spec from


  - types
  - client

v1 - spec unchanged

let object_num: Int = 81405

let path = Operations.collection_object_v2_object_O_object_num__get.Input.Path.init(object_num: object_num)

let output = try await client.collection_object_v2_object_O_object_num__get(path:path)


v2 - changed spec FROM

"\/v2\/object\/**O**{object_num}" : {
    "type" : "integer"
"\/v2\/object\/{object_num}" : {
    "type" : "string"

Change param from Int to String and include the prefixed ‘O’ in the string

//let object_num: Int = 81405

let object_num: String = "O81405"

//And now api generated code works

let path = Operations.collection_object_v2_object_O_object_num__get.Input.Path.init(object_num: object_num)

let output = try await client.collection_object_v2_object_O_object_num__get(path:path)


Unprocessible content error on build goes away and api runs ok

Package version(s)

latest - dec 2023

Expected behavior

should handle url param that may be string and int


swift-driver version: 1.87.3 Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500. Target: x86_64-apple-macosx13.0

Additional information


clearbrian commented 5 months ago

dependencies versions

czechboy0 commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the great issue, @clearbrian, I was able to reproduce the issue and have a fix coming shortly.

Note that the fact that the parameter is an integer is not the issue, it was the fact that the path component was a mix of a constant value "O" and a variable.

czechboy0 commented 5 months ago

Ok verified that #491 will fix your issue, thanks again for the report.

czechboy0 commented 5 months ago

Fixed in 1.1.0.