apple / swift-openapi-generator

Generate Swift client and server code from an OpenAPI document.
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Allowing disabling percent encoding for some HTTP header fields #529

Open zunda-pixel opened 3 months ago

zunda-pixel commented 3 months ago


I want to redirect to from

I can redirect same domain. ex: to

          type: string
func login(_ input: Operations.login.Input) async throws -> Operations.login.Output {
  // login
  return .seeOther(.init(headers: .init(location: "https:/")))
czechboy0 commented 3 months ago

Hi @zunda-pixel,

just to confirm, you're writing a server here, right? You can return a completely arbitrary URL in the response's Location header, can you clarify why you say you can't redirect to a different domain?

zunda-pixel commented 3 months ago

Yes, I am writing a server.

Base url is keeping... ->

czechboy0 commented 3 months ago

Hmm, baseURL is only a client-side concept in Swift OpenAPI Generator, not a server one. Can you describe in detail how you're testing this and how you're getting this URL?

zunda-pixel commented 3 months ago

This is sample repository that has issue I told. Please check.

openapi: '3.1.0'
  title: LoginService
  version: 1.0.0
  - url:
    description: Example service deployment.
      operationId: login
          description: A success response Login
                type: string
import OpenAPIRuntime
import OpenAPIVapor
import Vapor

struct Handler: APIProtocol {
  func login(_ input: Operations.login.Input) async throws -> Operations.login.Output {
    return .seeOther(.init(headers: .init(location: "")))

@main struct LoginServer {
  static func main() async throws {
    let app = Vapor.Application()
    let transport = VaporTransport(routesBuilder: app)
    let handler = Handler()
    try handler.registerHandlers(on: transport)
    try await app.execute()
czechboy0 commented 3 months ago

Can you clarify what the issue is? The code in the project all looks correct.

What are the steps you're taking, what is the result you see, and what is the result you expect? That'll help us understand where the mismatch is.

zunda-pixel commented 3 months ago

Current Result

  1. http://localhost:8080/login

Expecting Result

  1. http://localhost:8080/login
czechboy0 commented 3 months ago

Which HTTP client are you using? A web browser? curl?

zunda-pixel commented 3 months ago

I use a web browser.

czechboy0 commented 2 months ago

Thank you @zunda-pixel, I was able to isolate the issue.

The problem is that OpenAPI-defined headers are serialized according to the rules of RFC6570 (details here), which dictate that non-reserved characters need to be percent encoded. However, in the Location header, that causes the URL in the response header to be percent-encoded, and the web browser client doesn't remove the percent encoding, it seems.

As a workaround, add a middleware that removes the percent encoding of the Location header:

import OpenAPIRuntime
import OpenAPIVapor
import Vapor
import HTTPTypes

struct Handler: APIProtocol {
  func login(_ input: Operations.login.Input) async throws -> Operations.login.Output {
    return .seeOther(.init(headers: .init(location: "")))

@main struct LoginServer {
  static func main() async throws {
    let app = Vapor.Application()
    let transport = VaporTransport(routesBuilder: app)
    let handler = Handler()
    try handler.registerHandlers(on: transport, middlewares: [
    try await app.execute()

struct UnescapeLocationHeaderMiddleware: ServerMiddleware {
    func intercept(
        _ request: HTTPRequest,
        body: HTTPBody?,
        metadata: ServerRequestMetadata,
        operationID: String,
        next: (HTTPRequest, HTTPBody?, ServerRequestMetadata) async throws -> (HTTPResponse, HTTPBody?)
    ) async throws -> (HTTPResponse, HTTPBody?) {
        var (response, responseBody) = try await next(request, body, metadata)
        guard let location = response.headerFields[.location] else {
            return (response, responseBody)
        response.headerFields[.location] = location.removingPercentEncoding
        return (response, responseBody)

Now, thanks for reporting this. It's a bit troubling, and I suspect we'll need some way to make this more compatible with clients that don't percent-decode header fields.

If you don't mind, I'll repurpose this issue to track improving Swift OpenAPI Generator this way and rename it.

zunda-pixel commented 2 months ago

Thank you for looking into this issue, and providing a workaround.