apple / tensorflow_macos

TensorFlow for macOS 11.0+ accelerated using Apple's ML Compute framework.
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venv error #174

Closed gerasimos closed 3 years ago

gerasimos commented 3 years ago

Hello, this is minor, however the venv path provided by the user is not parsed correctly:

Path to new or existing virtual environment [default: /Users/gerasimos/tensorflow_macos_venv/]: /Users/gerasimos/venvs/tensorflow_arm64     
./ line 169: cd: sers/gerasimos/venvs: No such file or directory
Using python from /Users/gerasimos/.pyenv/shims/python3.

/Users/gerasimos/venvs does exist.

So, later:

To begin, activate the virtual environment:

   . "/private/var/folders/rh/_b_9ztds6k9558vkj8gshpy00000gn/T/tmp.Wz8UqGOP/tensorflow_macos/tensorflow_arm64/bin/activate" 
gerasimos commented 3 years ago

I pressed tab and then backspace while editing the path. Ignore it.