apple / tensorflow_macos

TensorFlow for macOS 11.0+ accelerated using Apple's ML Compute framework.
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All Conda command either get killed by zsh or no output #240

Open kasrahabib opened 3 years ago

kasrahabib commented 3 years ago

I have been using Conda Miniforge for almost few months to accomplish my ML tasks on Apple Silicon Chip (a.k.a M1). However, yesterday I was trying to install a package with conda (i.e., conda install conda-forge name-of-package) and the moment I executed the command, the terminal returns (without any error or output) to accept new command as everything executed normally. After a while, I switched into my virtual environment and then open python shell to import Tensorflow then zsh killed the python as you can see below:

(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste Downloads % python
Python 3.8.8 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Feb 20 2021, 15:50:57) 
[Clang 11.0.1 ] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import tensorflow
zsh: killed     python
(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste Downloads % 

Importing any package related to ML (sklearn, Matplotlib or etc.) will kill the python, but it works fine I import the ordinary python packages, e.g. math.

Another thing is non of the conda commands work except conda --version; terminal shows that command runs without any error, but no output. You can see it bellow:

(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ % conda list
(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ %   
(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ % conda info
(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ %          
(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ % conda env list
(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ % 
(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ % conda --version
conda 4.10.0
(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ % 

And also running the commands with sudo will output that the command is killed by zsh. As you can see it bellow:

(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ % sudo conda env list
zsh: killed     sudo conda env list
(mlm1-engine) mohammadkasrahabib@iste ~ % 

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in Advance!

tiatordos commented 3 years ago

try reinstaling Xcode Command Line Tools It seems that after each mac-os system upgrade yo need to acept again the terms and condictions