appleboy / drone-scp

Copy files and artifacts via SSH using a binary, docker or Drone CI.
MIT License
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Untar not working #95

Closed Maicus closed 4 years ago

Maicus commented 5 years ago

Hey I have a problem I want to deploy a file to a remote machine running RancherOS (it only has busybox running on it)

I can login, but after that it tries to untar and exits with status code 1.

docker run --rm \
-e PLUGIN_HOST=master \
-e PLUGIN_USERNAME=rancher \
-e PLUGIN_SOURCE=/home/ubuntu/ \
-e PLUGIN_DEBUG=true \
-v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
-w $(pwd) \


tar all files into /tmp/956253892/394yg2ESuA.tar
$ tar -cf /tmp/956253892/394yg2ESuA.tar /home/ubuntu/
tar: removing leading '/' from member names
scp file to server.
create folder /
untar file 394yg2ESuA.tar
drone-scp error:  Process exited with status 1
drone-scp rollback: remove all target tmp file
remove file 394yg2ESuA.tar
2019/03/21 11:30:36 Process exited with status 1

Do you have any idea?

appleboy commented 4 years ago

Try the latest version.

bluemwhitew commented 3 years ago

Also having this issue after checking several solutions. Configuration can be found here. 😕