appleboy / gin-jwt

JWT Middleware for Gin framework
MIT License
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MaxRefresh parameter question. #315

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have a question. I'm not very good at English, so I'm sorry if I'm grammatically incorrect. If there's any part of it that doesn't make sense, please let me know! When I tried refresh for timed out token, but server reply "401 Unauthorized" status. I thought this library can't update timed out token, but I'm found this comment in "auth_jwt.go" at line 45. I was set "Timeout: time.Second" and "MaxRefresh: time.Hour" and retried timed out token refresh about 10 seconds later. I'm expected server reply "200 OK" and return refreshed token, but server as usual reply "401 Unauthorized". I do not know why it behaves this way. Can someone please tell me what it is?

duzhipeng commented 1 year ago

是国人是吧? 估计你是把 /refresh_token 塞到 (authMiddleware.MiddlewareFunc()) 里了。 就是说,你去刷 token,却把刷 token 的路由放到了需要鉴权的路由组里去了,导致你请求 refresh_token ,系统要先验证原来那个token,但原来的那个不是已经过期了吗?!