{"level":"debug","msg":"Start push notification for Huawei","time":"2024-04-26T11:04:20Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"Default message is {\"validate_only\":false,\"message\":{\"data\":\"{'title': 'title text', 'href': 'app_name://n/2823280/?from=push', 'image': 'https://host/home/n/2024/20240419/a.jpg'}\",\"android\":{\"urgency\":\"NORMAL\",\"ttl\":\"86400s\"},\"token\":[\"IQAAAACy0sAbAACa6SbyCxYQWR2iMqGJMv...\"]}}","time":"2024-04-26T11:04:20Z"}
{"level":"debug","msg":"Huwaei Send Notification is completed successfully!","time":"2024-04-26T11:04:20Z"}
The NotificationRequest structure does not have a hoawei_data field. I can pass *structpb.Struct as Data, and not string as in huawei_data.
How to correctly pass a string to Data or is this some kind of bug in the implementation of the rpc server?
My code:
Server log:
If I send a message via web api then everything is sent correctly
Server log:
The NotificationRequest structure does not have a hoawei_data field. I can pass *structpb.Struct as Data, and not string as in huawei_data. How to correctly pass a string to Data or is this some kind of bug in the implementation of the rpc server?