appleboy / gulp-compass

Compass plugin for gulp
MIT License
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Much slower than standard compass command #57

Open melwas opened 10 years ago

melwas commented 10 years ago


I tried to use gulp-compass, but it is so much slower than invoking compass compile or compass watch. Regular compass compile takes no more than 0.5 sec to compile all the files, with gulp-compass it takes even few seconds.

My task:

gulp.task('compass', function() {
  return gulp.src(SASS_FILES_PATTERN)
        config_file: path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'config.rb'),
        css: 'css',
        sass: 'sass',
        project: ROOT_PATH,

What could be wrong with this configuration?

finteractive commented 10 years ago

I'm seeing about 0.25s extra in gulp-compass, but not many seconds more as you described.

I used bundler for compass so that may be different, but perhaps take a look at all the default settings with defaults set= true used with gulp-compass (comments, etc) and make sure to set them to false to get an apples-to-apple comparison of gulp-compass vs native performance.

I'm a gulp nube but for some reason I noticed my config.rb settings don't all get passed to gulp-compass so if you're got anything in there special then try setting those as config variables in gulp.

mrpavlikov commented 10 years ago

I experience performance issue as well. Especially on large projects. Especially if you @include compass.

appleboy commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

Please try 2.0.0 version.

Paul-PSDigital commented 9 years ago

I'm on 2.0.1 with a large project (multiple modules) - seeing much slower performance than with grunt-compass-contrib (<1s compared to ~10s)

cheton commented 9 years ago

I found this line in lib/compass.js:

  var child = spawn(compassExecutable, options, {cwd: opts.project || process.cwd()}),

It spawns a new child process per file, and therefore results in performance degradation.

However, in grunt-contrib-compass, it calls compass only once with options like this:

$ compass compile --force 

All files are processed at once. That's the reason why gulp-compass is much slower than grunt-contrib-compass.

red2678 commented 9 years ago

Any more on this? I am using ver 2.0 and I am seeing 10 seconds to process a relatively small project (4 files with maybe 100 lines each).

cheton commented 9 years ago

Hi @red2678

I'd recommend you to use gulp-sass and node-bourbon as an alternative solution.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var bourbon = require('node-bourbon');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');

var sassConfig = {
    src: ['web/**/*.{sass,scss}'],
    dest: 'web/',
    options: {
        includePaths: require('node-bourbon').includePaths,
        outputStyle: 'nested'

gulp.task('sass', function() {
    return gulp.src(sassConfig.src)
        .pipe(sourcemaps.write('/', {includeContent: false}))
red2678 commented 9 years ago

Thanks @cheton :+1: I unfortunately had to revert to gulp-sass. Too bad because I love compass, but as I started to dev more yesterday, the aforementioned 10 seconds was getting up to 14+. I will check out gulp-bourbon, thanks!

cheton commented 9 years ago

@red2678 You could also use gulp-spawn to spawn a child process to run compass command with options like --sass-dir and --images-dir to include all your files/directories.

An example usage for compass might look liks this:

compass compile --force 

It should significantly save your time!

appleboy commented 9 years ago

2.0.4 support watch mode.

fterrier commented 9 years ago

+1 for this

oddurs commented 9 years ago

In case it's unclear to anyone how to implement watching, in v2.0.4 you can set up your gulp-compass configuration object to take in the key pair task: "watch" (see the bottom of the README).

    // the rest of your configuration here
    task: "watch"

This watches for changes and only runs the process on the relevant file.

star-szr commented 9 years ago

Thank you @oddurs, it was unclear to me. Refactoring to use that makes things noticeably faster for me since as you said it only runs the process on the relevant file, not all files.

El4a commented 6 years ago

Adding the watch task doesn't help me: now the compass task doesn't "finish" and doesn't conclude the runsequence and therefore gulp serve isn't triggered anymore (I think)

Here it does everything between brackets, but doesn't run site task anymore gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function (done) { runSequence(['index', 'copy', 'scripts:huisstijl', 'scripts:angular', 'compass:huisstijl', 'compass:other', 'stats'], 'site', done); });

And here, because not everything in the default task gets finished it doesn't run serve... gulp.task('serve', ['default', 'lint'], function () { browserSync.init({ notify: true, server: { baseDir: ['dist'], middleware: [ modRewrite([ '^/huisstijl(.*) /$1 [L]' ]) ] } });

I have a large project and I'm at 21seconds to compile... obviously impossible to work with.

EDIT: I have managed to get rid of compass and susy by following this helpful article and installing "breakpoint-sass" (not "sass-breakpoint, for the love of god! wail of despair) because I was also using breakpoint plugin with compass. It's a lot of manual work (replacing all the mixins) but it was worth it: compiling with just the gulp-sass plugin instead got me down to 2.29s!