application-research / delta-ui

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[Feature] Improved interface for adding Replication Profiles #70

Open jcace opened 1 year ago

jcace commented 1 year ago

Testing out the Replication Profiles feature in prod, and it is quite a lot of work to add many migrations (for example, the sucho datasets to be replicated to all the providers)

Ideally, there's an easy way to start with the provider and then multi-add several datasets all at once to them. For example -> start with f012345, and easily assign all 5 sucho datasets to them with only 5 clicks.

Unsure whether we should modify the backend schema - perhaps we could make the SP<->Replication Profile mapping 1:1, but then have Replication Profile<->Dataset 1:many. Need some thinking


elijaharita commented 1 year ago

Hmm good feedback. Bulk add should definitely be a thing at minimum. Bulk delete would be nice-to-have as well. It might be good to just have a single edit button that puts all the entries into edit mode instead of one at a time, make all ur changes, and then save everything. Perhaps good to do on the providers and wallets view as well