application-research / estuary

A custom IPFS/Filecoin node that makes it easy to pin IPFS content and make Filecoin deals.
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Unify Estuary CLI, Shuttle CLI and Barge CLI #142

Open gmelodie opened 2 years ago

gmelodie commented 2 years ago

There's quite a bit of replicated CLI code between estuary-shuttle, barge, shuttle-proxy and estuary itself. It would be incredible if we could just have one CLI tool that did it all like:

$ estuary shuttle init
$ estuary shuttle proxy do-something
$ estuary barge do-some-other-thing
$ estuary node init

Obs: here estuary node would be the command for the main estuary node (what I mentioned only as estuary above)

softwareplumber commented 2 years ago

Nice idea!

alvin-reyes commented 2 years ago

Quick check:

We can expose the commands for shuttle and barge and add it as a subcommand of the main estuary. We then move the main estuary commands to a command called node and it with shuttle and barge.

We would need to refactor some critical areas so extensive unit tests needs to be introduced.

corinne-antonia commented 2 years ago

@gmelodie @alvin-reyes Do we want to prioritize this, or find someone to work on it? What do you guys think?