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Collections V2 #4

Open alvin-reyes opened 1 year ago

alvin-reyes commented 1 year ago

Proposal: Collections API V2

Author Outercore Engineering
Status In-Progress

This is WIP


The collections API is seemingly used as a directory upload rather than a grouping mechanism and I think we need to create a distinction between the two use cases. A directory in the IPFS sense is a collection of specific type of node (DirNode) that can be associated with different links (ChildNode). The DirNode creates the initial underlying structure of the merkle which then can be used by the developer to programmatically add links to it to form a “directory” structure in a merkle dag format. This merkle dag then is stored on the estuary node blockstore via go-blockstore library.

To this day, we observed that most users who uses collections api treat them as directories and use them as such. This is clearly not the case since it won’t perform the same as a directory. primarily because the current version lacks all the endpoints to manage a collection “as a” directory.


We need to have a distinction between collections API and directories and my proposal is to re-vamp the collections API as a tagging mechanism as oppose to a directory system. We should create a new API for directories which will be similar to ipfs add -r command and use DirNode for directories.

For collections, we should just group them on the database level (postgres) and make sure they are retrievable via an endpoint. The creation of a new merkledag for this approach is completely optional since the source of “grouping” will be from the database.


Technical Design




Open Items

Deliverables / Definition of Done

Collections API Call (mike, gabe, lawrence, alvin)