applidium / Vim

Port of the Vim text editor to the iOS
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Vim Settings #22

Open au-phiware opened 11 years ago

au-phiware commented 11 years ago

I notice that Vim doesn't have a Settings.bundle and many pull requests may be knock back due to lack of user customisability. Thus, there needs to be a way to introduce new features without effecting existing features.

Consider the weird choice (IMHO) of <esc> mapping to \. This is now a feature of the product, any change to this feature breaks the expected behavior of the product and should be avoided (ie. #9). But if it is implemented 'at user option' then all is well. Thus, a proposal for a 'Default <esc> mapping' key in Settings seems sensible. The user can change the mapping to a custom character sequence or choose a predefined gesture. This means that Vim's welcome message could reflect the change for the forgetful (that's me ;) and we can be spared the head scratching when trying to enter \ during insert mode (I don't know about you but I went with :s/$/\\).

And there's another thing, what about back ticks? There really ought to be a mapping for that too...

And there's another thing... Hold up, the Settings.bundle is going to be a really important feature for future features, let's not add keys willy-nilly.

I don't think that completely changing the structure of the Settings.bundle would break anything further down the track but it would be disorienting for the user and I guess there's a chance that it could delete existing user preferences. So I think a hieracharical structure would be best. I would like to see 'Default Mappings > Escape Key'.

What do you think, please comment :)

nicolasbraun commented 6 years ago

This is definitely a good idea but we need to check how to do it with a multiple character sequence. When you say `I don't know about you but I went with :s/$/\)., what do you mean? Compiled the app yourself?