applidium / Vim

Port of the Vim text editor to the iOS
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Does vimtutor work #27

Closed jamesrward closed 6 years ago

jamesrward commented 10 years ago

I would love to use this as way to work through the vimtutor while traveling but I can't figure out how to run it with this build. I see related files in the git repo but I don't see a way to get at them from inside the app. I'm guessing it's probably not possible but if it is I would love some advice on how to run it.

sedm0784 commented 10 years ago

This is actually pretty easy to achieve manually from within Vim.

  1. Run iOS vim.
  2. Type the command: :e $VIMRUNTIME/tutor/tutor to open the tutorial file.
  3. This file is readonly, so you'll need to make a copy: :sav TUTORCOPY. Now you're good to go!
  4. When you get to the bits where you have to quit Vim and reopen it, just reopen the file after you restart Vim with :e TUTORCOPY.
  5. When you're done, you can tidy up your copy of the tutorial from within Netrw. Use the command :e . to start Netrw, navigate to your TUTORCOPY file using the methods you've learnt from the tutorial, and press D to delete it.