appliedAI-Initiative / orb_slam_2_ros

A ROS implementation of ORB_SLAM2
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Scale Estmation and Configuration #126

Open syhassan opened 2 years ago

syhassan commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm currently running monocular OrbSLAM2 with ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04, and using Intel RealSense D455. OrbSLAM2 is configured to read parameters from the camera info topic. I mapped out the area around me and used Octomap for a grid map as shown in the following image: Screenshot from 2021-10-20 14-58-39

I seem to be having a problem with scaling, as you can see in the image below, the distance marked by the black line (almost in the centre of the image) is around 4 meters in real life, but unfortunately it comes to about 1 meter as shown in the bottom left corner of the image. Screenshot from 2021-10-20 14-58-18

Is there a way to change the scaling parameters for the node? I tried fiddling with the scaleFactor param but that seemed to me like mostly trial and error (it crashed when I set it to 4.8 instead of the default 1.2), so could you tell me how that functions?

ojpc commented 1 year ago

Hi @syhassan, did you find a way to rescale the map based on your real life measure?

syhassan commented 1 year ago

@ojpc unfortunately I did not :(