appliedAI-Initiative / orb_slam_2_ros

A ROS implementation of ORB_SLAM2
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no image received using realsense d435i and orb_slam2_d435_rgbd.launch #135

Open YESAndy opened 2 years ago

YESAndy commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

i am trying to run orb_slam2_d435_rgbd.launch with an Intel Realsense d435i attached on jetson nano 2gb. The build is successful. However, when I tried to visualize the real-time data using Rviz, I got "no image received" in the camera section in Rviz. Things I have checked:

1 use usb_cam to see the camera connection, and it worked. I can see there are several camera channels for RGB and the depth information when I changed the device names (/dev/video1 or /dev/video0) and the camera resolution. So I am guessing these may confuse the rviz?

For examing the camera connection, I also used realsense-viewer and it worked with a warning of "control transfer returned error"

2 I added tf_static_transform in the launch file, the "fixed frame" section is "ok" but there is no output from either the camera or the pointcloud2

3 chmod +x /dev/video0, still not working

4 add a node "hector_trajectory_node", not working

5 I also used rosbag to record everything when running orb_slam2_d435_rgbd.launch, and tried to re-played the record. the record did not contain /camera/orb_slam2_rgbd/image_raw etc. which represent the camera streaming data. So I manually add topic in the camera section in Rviz but still not working.

I am basically new to ROS and have been googling solutions for a few days with no solution. Please help me!

YESAndy commented 2 years ago

just solved by install realsense2_camera and ran roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch. However, there is no keypoint showing up in rviz.