appliedAI-Initiative / orb_slam_2_ros

A ROS implementation of ORB_SLAM2
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Pose topic very inacurate - D435i #142

Open MrDarknessWolf opened 1 year ago

MrDarknessWolf commented 1 year ago

i have this issue with the wrapper, im using a realsense d435i which has imu build in and its supposed to read the pose topic correctly, the realsense reads it no problems but when using it on the d435 launch file the pose topic is always all over the place jumping up and down even when the camera is clearly on a base, not only that but it positions itself further each time i load the wrapper .



Aditionally im on a jetson nano in ubuntu 20.4 and ros Noetic, you could say that oh its the camera BUT ive also tried the ros2 wrapper by alsora and it works perfetly tracks trajectory on point and the realsense viewer doesnt show any issues in the IMU either, so im wondering if i could get a hand in this if posible