appliedAI-Initiative / orb_slam_2_ros

A ROS implementation of ORB_SLAM2
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colcon build failed undefined reference to `DUtils::Random::SeedRandOnce()' <ORB_SLAM3_ROS2> #146

Open spectra543 opened 11 months ago

spectra543 commented 11 months ago

Hi guy i try to colcon build ORB_SLAM3_ROS2 after i run this line "colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select orbslam3" this error happens. 256733643-e04f56df-14ef-4f20-96c0-24970e07543f i use ros2 foxy opencv 4.2.0 ubuntu 20.04 anyone know how to fix thankyou!

zoldaten commented 10 months ago

may be ORB_SLAM2 ?