If I use your api, can I get the videos from the streams?
What I want to do is to build an webpage or people can share their videos with other users, but I want the videos shared to be available for everyone to see like an Youtube, so when people use meerkat in my website to save the video to my database.
But in your API I don't find any option to get the video, I can get the streamers, activies etc... But, is it possible to also get the video?
If I use your api, can I get the videos from the streams?
What I want to do is to build an webpage or people can share their videos with other users, but I want the videos shared to be available for everyone to see like an Youtube, so when people use meerkat in my website to save the video to my database.
But in your API I don't find any option to get the video, I can get the streamers, activies etc... But, is it possible to also get the video?