appnexus / pyrobuf

A Cython alternative to Google's Python Protobuf library
554 stars 76 forks source link

Release version latest version to PyPI #123

Open AlmogCohen opened 5 years ago

AlmogCohen commented 5 years ago

I've recently contributed a PR to the repo. (yesterday? :) ) I'd be happy to see the latest code on PyPi. Maybe version 0.8.5? I'd really appreciate that!


tburmeister commented 5 years ago

I just uploaded version 0.8.5 to PyPI. Before releasing, I also merged in some changes to simplify testing so that now you can just run python test or py.test and have the need messages built for you and your PYTHONPATH set correctly for the tests.

AlmogCohen commented 5 years ago

I took a look and seems like you've done a great work :) Also changed the flake8 max line length ;)

Thanks to your work I've released now which aims to covert .proto files to python Schematics classes to enjoy better code completions and ease of use.

Thanks for all the help!