appodeal / appodeal-cordova-plugin

Appodeal Cordova Plugin
19 stars 33 forks source link

Cant get the plugin with ionic 3 and cordova #67

Open faycaltchiko opened 5 years ago

faycaltchiko commented 5 years ago


I'm using Ionic 3 and cordova under Mac Os without Android Studio, when i run the command : cordova plugin add

I got this error :

Installing "com.appodeal.plugin" for android Failed to install 'com.appodeal.plugin': Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/faycal/Downloads/ionic/islamicnames/platforms/android/AndroidManifest.xml'

diegoestacho999 commented 5 years ago

Good morning, with the same problem here. Can you solve it?

onemoredayApp commented 5 years ago

Same problem!! Can solve it?