Open r-andreyenko-bgapps opened 2 months ago
Hello! You can add post-install hook to the project Podfile, which strips bitcode from OMSDK_Appodeal binary, as a temporary solution. Also we will soon release a new version of the Appodeal SDK with full support for iOS 18.
post_install do |installer|
xcframework_path = "#{installer.sandbox.root}/OMSDK_Appodeal"
Dir.glob("#{xcframework_path}/**/*.framework/OMSDK_Appodeal").each do |binary|
if File.exist?(binary)
puts "Stripping bitcode from: #{binary}"
system("xcrun bitcode_strip #{binary} -r -o #{binary}")
Issue Description:
When adding the AppLovinMediationBidMachineAdapter pod to my Podfile in a Flutter project, I encountered the following error during the archiving process for TestFlight distribution:
Asset validation failed
Invalid Executable. The executable '' contains bitcode.
Steps to Reproduce:
pod 'AppLovinMediationBidMachineAdapter'
To fix this issue, I added a post_install
script to the Podfile
that strips the bitcode from the OMSDK_Appodeal.framework
after the pods are installed. Here is the code added to the Podfile
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
if == 'OMSDK_Appodeal'
`xcrun -sdk iphoneos bitcode_strip -r Pods/OMSDK_Appodeal/OMSDK_Appodeal.xcframework/ios-arm64/OMSDK_Appodeal.framework/OMSDK_Appodeal -o Pods/OMSDK_Appodeal/OMSDK_Appodeal.xcframework/ios-arm64/OMSDK_Appodeal.framework/OMSDK_Appodeal`
Appstore Connect could not be able validate IPA, that was built with xCode 16:
"Invalid Executable. The executable '' contains bitcode"
There is discussion thread over there:, where Apple engineer suggest to rebuild framework with disabled BITCODE flag. Looking forward for resolving of this issue.
Podfile that is used for build:
platform :ios, '16.0'
use_frameworks! inhibit_all_warnings!
source '' source ''
install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => false, :warn_for_multiple_pod_sources => false
def appodeal pod 'Appodeal', '3.3.2' pod 'APDAmazonAdapter', '' pod 'APDAppLovinAdapter', '' pod 'APDAppLovinMAXAdapter', '' pod 'APDBidMachineAdapter', '' pod 'APDBidonAdapter', '' pod 'APDBigoAdsAdapter', '' pod 'APDDTExchangeAdapter', '' pod 'APDGoogleAdMobAdapter', '' pod 'APDIABAdapter', '' pod 'APDInMobiAdapter', '' pod 'APDIronSourceAdapter', '' pod 'APDMetaAudienceNetworkAdapter', '' pod 'APDMintegralAdapter', '' pod 'APDPangleAdapter', '' pod 'APDUnityAdapter', '' pod 'APDVungleAdapter', '' pod 'APDYandexAdapter', '' pod 'AmazonPublisherServicesSDK', '4.9.2' pod 'AppLovinMediationAmazonAdMarketplaceAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationBidMachineAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationFacebookAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationFyberAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationGoogleAdManagerAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationGoogleAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationInMobiAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationIronSourceAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationMintegralAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationUnityAdsAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationVungleAdapter', '' pod 'AppLovinMediationYandexAdapter', '' pod 'BidMachineAmazonAdapter', '' pod 'BidMachineMetaAudienceAdapter', '' pod 'BidMachineMintegralAdapter', '' pod 'BidMachinePangleAdapter', '' pod 'BidMachineVungleAdapter', '' pod 'BidonAdapterAmazon', '' pod 'BidonAdapterAppLovin', '' pod 'BidonAdapterBidMachine', '' pod 'BidonAdapterBigoAds', '' pod 'BidonAdapterDTExchange', '' pod 'BidonAdapterGoogleAdManager', '' pod 'BidonAdapterGoogleMobileAds', '' pod 'BidonAdapterInMobi', '' pod 'BidonAdapterMetaAudienceNetwork', '' pod 'BidonAdapterMintegral', '' pod 'BidonAdapterUnityAds', '' pod 'BidonAdapterVungle', '' pod 'bigo-ads-max-adapter', '' end
target 'StyleMe' do appodeal end
Thank you in advance!