Describe the bug
I am trying to set up the library with my Vaadin Flow 23 project.
Java version is 11
Vaadin flow is 23.2.0
Apex version is 23.0.1
I am using the same code as in the example directory that generates BarChart with 4 buttons, when I press toggle button Vaadin shows this error
Exception is thrown during JavaScript execution. Stacktrace will be dumped separately.
The error has occurred in the JS code: '$0, $1, return $0.toggleSeries($1)'
TypeError: $0.toggleSeries is not a function (http://localhost:8083/VAADIN/@fs/home/vaadin_app/node_modules/.vite/deps/FlowClient-ASKNNSCM.js?v=a501aa5f line 7492 > Function:3:11)
Steps or code example to Reproduce
ApexChartsBuilder rangedVerticalBarChartBuilder = new RangedVerticalBarChartExample();
ApexCharts verticalBarChartExample = rangedVerticalBarChartBuilder
.withTitle(TitleSubtitleBuilder.get().withText("Revenue Example").build())
Button toggleButton = new Button("Toggle", click -> verticalBarChartExample.toggleSeries("Revenue"));
HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout();
this.add(verticalBarChartExample, new Span("Revenue series control: "), hl);
**Expected behavior**
I expect to see the chart
**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- Linux
- Firefox
- Latest
Describe the bug I am trying to set up the library with my Vaadin Flow 23 project. Java version is 11 Vaadin flow is 23.2.0 Apex version is 23.0.1 I am using the same code as in the example directory that generates BarChart with 4 buttons, when I press toggle button Vaadin shows this error
Steps or code example to Reproduce `` ApexChartsBuilder rangedVerticalBarChartBuilder = new RangedVerticalBarChartExample(); ApexCharts verticalBarChartExample = rangedVerticalBarChartBuilder .withTitle(TitleSubtitleBuilder.get().withText("Revenue Example").build()) .build();