appreciated / apexcharts-flow

ApexCharts.js wrapper for the Vaadin Platform
Apache License 2.0
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Setting Themes might be broken again? #44

Closed githubIsBugtrack closed 3 years ago

githubIsBugtrack commented 4 years ago


I think this issue relates to fixed issue 14: (

I took the exact same DonutChart from the "fixed"-Issue (only with ChartBuilder instead of new Chart()) but it remains broken (same for types PieChart and barChart):

        ApexCharts pieChart = ApexChartsBuilder.get()
                .withSeries(44.0, 55.0, 41.0, 17.0, 15.0)

Am I missing something or is it a bug? PS: If you could point me in the direction of more examples/ Doc for ApexCharts, that'd be great.

Used version: Java 11 and apexcharts 2.0.0.beta7

Best regards

gantu commented 4 years ago

Hey! Using version Java 11 and apexcharts 2.0.0.beta9 Vaadin14 Can not build PieChart with palette.


Or am I doing something wrong?