apprenticeharper / DeDRM_tools

DeDRM tools for ebooks
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Cannot convert to PDF #525

Open rubixcube6 opened 6 years ago

rubixcube6 commented 6 years ago

I cannot convert to PDF. Im not sure if it was able to remove the DRM or not. I'm using Kindle for PC version 1.17.1 and the book downloads in azw4 format.

Here is the error log:

Convert book 1 of 1 (Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures, Combined Volume) Conversion options changed from defaults: verbose: 2 read_metadata_from_opf: u'C:\Users\X51\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_ihjbat\iz_ggj.opf' cover: u'C:\Users\X51\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_ihjbat\d9i2ak.jpeg' output_profile: 'generic_eink' Resolved conversion options calibre version: 3.24.2 {'asciiize': False, 'author_sort': None, 'authors': None, 'base_font_size': 0.0, 'book_producer': None, 'change_justification': u'original', 'chapter': u"//[((name()='h1' or name()='h2') and re:test(., '\s((chapter|book|section|part)\s+)|((prolog|prologue|epilogue)(\s+|$))', 'i')) or @class = 'chapter']", 'chapter_mark': u'pagebreak', 'comments': None, 'cover': u'C:\Users\X51\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_ihjbat\d9i2ak.jpeg', 'custom_size': None, 'debug_pipeline': None, 'dehyphenate': True, 'delete_blank_paragraphs': True, 'disable_font_rescaling': False, 'duplicate_links_in_toc': False, 'embed_all_fonts': False, 'embed_font_family': None, 'enable_heuristics': False, 'expand_css': False, 'extra_css': None, 'filter_css': u'', 'fix_indents': True, 'font_size_mapping': None, 'format_scene_breaks': True, 'html_unwrap_factor': 0.4, 'input_encoding': None, 'input_profile': <calibre.customize.profiles.InputProfile object at 0x05CD52F0>, 'insert_blank_line': False, 'insert_blank_line_size': 0.5, 'insert_metadata': False, 'isbn': None, 'italicize_common_cases': True, 'keep_ligatures': False, 'language': None, 'level1_toc': None, 'level2_toc': None, 'level3_toc': None, 'line_height': 0.0, 'linearize_tables': False, 'margin_bottom': 5.0, 'margin_left': 5.0, 'margin_right': 5.0, 'margin_top': 5.0, 'markup_chapter_headings': True, 'max_toc_links': 50, 'minimum_line_height': 120.0, 'no_chapters_in_toc': False, 'no_inline_navbars': False, 'output_profile': <calibre.customize.profiles.GenericEink object at 0x05CD54F0>, 'page_breaks_before': u"//*[name()='h1' or name()='h2']", 'paper_size': u'letter', 'pdf_add_toc': False, 'pdf_default_font_size': 20, 'pdf_footer_template': None, 'pdf_header_template': None, 'pdf_hyphenate': False, 'pdf_mark_links': False, 'pdf_mono_family': u'Liberation Mono', 'pdf_mono_font_size': 16, 'pdf_page_margin_bottom': 72.0, 'pdf_page_margin_left': 72.0, 'pdf_page_margin_right': 72.0, 'pdf_page_margin_top': 72.0, 'pdf_page_numbers': False, 'pdf_sans_family': u'Liberation Sans', 'pdf_serif_family': u'Liberation Serif', 'pdf_standard_font': u'serif', 'prefer_metadata_cover': False, 'preserve_cover_aspect_ratio': False, 'pretty_print': False, 'pubdate': None, 'publisher': None, 'rating': None, 'read_metadata_from_opf': u'C:\Users\X51\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_ihjbat\iz_ggj.opf', 'remove_fake_margins': True, 'remove_first_image': False, 'remove_paragraph_spacing': False, 'remove_paragraph_spacing_indent_size': 1.5, 'renumber_headings': True, 'replace_scene_breaks': u'', 'search_replace': '[]', 'series': None, 'series_index': None, 'smarten_punctuation': False, 'sr1_replace': None, 'sr1_search': None, 'sr2_replace': None, 'sr2_search': None, 'sr3_replace': None, 'sr3_search': None, 'start_reading_at': None, 'subset_embedded_fonts': False, 'tags': None, 'timestamp': None, 'title': None, 'title_sort': None, 'toc_filter': None, 'toc_threshold': 6, 'toc_title': None, 'transform_css_rules': '[]', 'uncompressed_pdf': False, 'unit': u'inch', 'unsmarten_punctuation': False, 'unwrap_lines': True, 'use_auto_toc': False, 'use_profile_size': False, 'verbose': 2} Python function terminated unexpectedly No embedded PDF found in AZW4 file (Error Code: 1) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 101, in main File "", line 78, in run_entry_point File "site-packages\calibre\utils\ipc\", line 195, in main File "site-packages\calibre\gui2\convert\", line 33, in gui_convert_override File "site-packages\calibre\gui2\convert\", line 26, in gui_convert File "site-packages\calibre\ebooks\conversion\", line 1073, in run File "site-packages\calibre\ebooks\azw4\", line 24, in unwrap ValueError: No embedded PDF found in AZW4 file

ElleKayEm commented 6 years ago

Can't really tell about DRM from a conversion log, but DRM doesn't seem to be the problem. Try using the Kindle Unpack plugin, instead of calibre's built in conversion.

rubixcube6 commented 6 years ago

Hmm that didn't seem to work either. The lock Icon from the plugin was red so it wouldn't let me convert it.

j-howell commented 6 years ago

The file you linked is an eTextbook rental that has DRM. These tools will not remove DRM from rented books.

There appears to be a bug in calibre not reporting it as having DRM during attempted conversion, but kindleunpack reports it properly.

rubixcube6 commented 6 years ago

Oh I see. Thanks for the info!