approachcircle / Pong

a pong game written in LibGDX
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 1 forks source link

make ProgressNotification finish when instructed #19

Closed approachcircle closed 3 months ago

approachcircle commented 4 months ago

at the minute it follows the behaviour of an ErrorNotification and becomes hidden after 5 seconds, which should not be the case. instead it should be told specifically when the action it is conveying finishes, and potentially should show a "done" message with a tick before sliding out. also needs to display above any ErrorNotifications either by checking if they're present (and vice versa) or just giving them their own dedicated spaces

approachcircle commented 4 months ago

(marked as bug due to the fact that it makes ErrorNotifications unreadable and also closes before the action is finished)

approachcircle commented 3 months ago

added in