appropriate / docker-curl

Alpine-based image with just curl
MIT License
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ppc64le image for docker-curl #2

Open vaibhavsood opened 6 years ago

vaibhavsood commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm looking to enable docker containers for packages like docker-curl for multiple architectures on dockerhub, starting off with a focus on ppc64le. Wanted to check on the work that will be involved to do that

I have locally been able to successfully test ppc64le changes to the dockerfiles in this repo - changes for enabling additional arch would be minimum.

Would like to know how a multi-arch image for this can be initiated? The official images have this method for enabling multi-arch :, however this repo isnt an official image yet. Would the first step be to make this an official image or are there any other ways the dockerhub docker-curl image can be enabled for ppc64le?

md5 commented 6 years ago

I don't see this becoming an official image. If you have any suggestions about how to set up a reliable CI pipeline that will include the additional architectures, I'm OK with including them. In my experience, the Docker Hub continuous builds have been pretty unreliable for a while.

vaibhavsood commented 6 years ago

Sure, thanks!

My interest here is to publish ppc64le docker images (ideally official), reason for me suggesting it be made official is that would cover auto-building of the images (since Docker Hub would handle the build process), could that be a reason for considering making this official (i can understand there being many other reasons against it, just want to check once :))

Otherwise, probably can help with setting up a local CI build for ppc64le (work as part of a team which helps in setting up ppc64le builds for opensource packages), just want to know your thoughts for official once, thanks!