approvals / ApprovalTests.Python

ApprovalTests for python
Apache License 2.0
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Missing Documentation Pages #135

Open isidore opened 1 year ago

isidore commented 1 year ago

Is there a documentation page that you would like to see?

Add the title of the page below in a comment. Also, please preference it with one of the following four categories:

  1. Tutorial - Step-by-step guide to get started
  2. How To - Recipe to solve a specific problem
  3. Explanation - Theory and history around ApprovalTests
  4. Reference - Description, lists, and statistics of ApprovalTests api
isidore commented 1 year ago

@kurru requested ....

1 or 2

I found the documentation about the PackageSettings a little lacking. Specifically I had a hard time figuring out the best configuration for use with IntelliJ running my tests. The differences between the various reporters were unclear and I had to try a bunch.

Separately, using PascalCase for variable names seems unusual vs camelCase or even better UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.

For the record, we eventually found:

public class PackageSettings {
  public static EnvironmentAwareReporter FrontloadedReporter = new JunitReporter();
  public static ApprovalFailureReporter UseReporter = new QuietReporter();
  public static String UseApprovalSubdirectory = "golden_files";
MichaelRWolf commented 1 year ago

I'm too new to the documentation to provide specific examples of missing documentation, but there's a "code smell" that's feeling more relevant. I've chased lots of irrelevant and outdated documentation. I typically found better documentation, so the request here is to do some Document Pruning.

It could be as simple as adding a header...

This documentation is old, and preserved here only for historical purposes. See, instead: http:///

There are lots of patterns that could work.

I got some great advice 15-20 years about website design:

Do not architect your site with the assumption that users start at the home page and navigate themselves to a page. Most users "parachute in" by following a search result. As such, they have (almost) no context. The page they land on should answer 3 basic questions: Where am I? What's ineresting here? Where can I go next?

I was reminded of this as I landed in lots documentation that was both related and disjoint... across time (10+ years), across repos, across projects, across designs.

I know that this message is more divergent than convergent. Maybe focusing on Jobs To Be Done (instead of docs to be polished) may be a helpful. Here are some of my early less-than-stellar starts.

Time out! I'm feeling like I'm chasing an anti-pattern of trying to specify a specific problem by painting too many general pictures. I'd be happy to do "Individuals and Interactions" ;-). I'll cut it off here, and leave a "promise for a future conversation". Please feel free to engage me in finding som eway that my still-under-informed self can leverage my beginner eyes to this project....

Best, Michael