approvals / ApprovalTests.cpp

Native ApprovalTests for C++ on Linux, Mac and Windows
Apache License 2.0
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Speed up compilation in Clang's "PerformPendingInstallations" step #142

Closed claremacrae closed 4 years ago

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

Approval Tests instantiates a lot of things every time you #include ApprovalTests.hpp, instead of just once (typically in the main).

Figure out and implement a pattern so that the PerformPendingInstallations (which is the Purple step in chrome://tracing view, when built with clang-9 and -ftime-trace) are only done in the main.cpp and not re-done in every test file.

Catch2's mechanism will work for us.

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

To get tracing files out of Clang 9 or above, add this to CMakeLists.txt:

        set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -ftime-trace")
claremacrae commented 4 years ago

This effectively means splitting out the definitions of at least the slow-to-compile code from the declarations - so that the slow-to-compile code is only compiled once, in the main, and not in all the test files as well.

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

Use cases:

People who have...

People who have cloned or forked our repo, and...

Build configurations

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

I did a little experimenting with separate out the Scrubbers.h function implementations to Scrubbers.cpp...

Things to remember when we do this for real:

  1. We'll need to change ApprovalTests/CMakeLists.cpp so that most INTERFACE are PUBLIC and the .cpp files are listed (I have a shelved change)
  2. When creating the .cpp file, it will be worth starting it with this content... CLion uses the namespace block if it's there, but doesn't add one itself....
#include "Blah.h"

namespace ApprovalTests


One reason is that there will be a lot less manual editing of return types needed this way, as CLion's refactoring doesn't add the ApprovalTests:: to return types - plus, it will save ApprovalTests:: being added before every function's name, which will shorten lines and add readability.

  1. We will probably want to script the creation of all the .cpp files alongside their .h files - and then later delete ones that have no code in. Reasons:

    • Creating each of them one-by-one and is very tedious, and causes a lot of waiting for CMake to re-run
    • Some of our .h files don't include all the other .h files that they depend on, e.g. there are some uses of APPROVAL_TESTS_NO_DISCARD that don't include Macros.h. If we start by compiling all the .cpp files that only contain .h files, we will quickly detect any missing #include lines - which will then speed up the next step of moving the implementations.

(an alternative would be to get set up, but I think the overheads of setting that up are too great for our current need...)

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

Another nice advantage of creating .cpp files in ApprovalTests/ is that people working in VisualStudio and linking against our source code will see all the files in ApprovalTests/ - which they don't, currently.

Here are the diffs from when I did a practice run of this change a few months ago...

It will be worth reviewing the list of files changed, as I spotted a few things like documentation...

It's interesting how many fewer headers are needed in .h files, giving a further speed-up in build times, if we do this...

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

Another benefit of separating out the implementation is that we will no longer need to do the dance with initialising class-static variables like this:

As it will be easy to define the static variable in the .cpp file...

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

We've started work on this, on the separate_implementations branch.

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

Steps to remember:

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

Times for clean development builds on my Mac

Running the command:

make clean && time make

Old - 653e7eff83ec569b001837eb7b7df061a59876e5 - v.10.1.0 release

New - 50f452b7effb1877cbf2731512b8d9adcefb5a1c:

So that's about a 30% reduction in time for a full development build...

Development Process

But when we are adding new features, we will usually now only be changing a pair of .cpp files - one for the implementation and one for the test...

Which will be a massive improvement over the previous case, where usually most of our test .cpp files were updated every time we made an edit.

claremacrae commented 4 years ago

This will be released in 10.1.1