approvals / ApprovalTests.cpp

Native ApprovalTests for C++ on Linux, Mac and Windows
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Catch2 integration does not handle Generators inside sections #205

Open Manu343726 opened 1 year ago

Manu343726 commented 1 year ago

Per Catch2 documentation:

GENERATE can be seen as an implicit SECTION, that goes from the place GENERATE is used, to the end of the scope. [...] The fact that GENERATE introduces a virtual SECTION can also be used to make a generator replay only some SECTIONs, without having to explicitly add a SECTION

I looked into the Catch2 integration and it seems like the Catch2 API does not include generator information as part of the sector:

// Approvals/integrations/catch/Cathc2Approvals.h

struct Catch2TestCommitRevert : Catch::TestEventListenerBase
    virtual void sectionStarting(Catch::SectionInfo const& sectionInfo) override
        currentTest.sections.push_back(; // Name here does not include the generator value

In fact, if you look at the Catch::SectionInfo type it only includes name and source location. I'm no expert on the Catch2 internals but at first glance, I would say Catch2 generators are handled more like part of the body of a section rather than variants of the parent section (Like generated tests cases in other frameworks).

The result of this behavior is that if you run an approval inside a section with a generator, the approval is uniquely registered for the section rather than each generated variant of the section, resulting in approval failures following the execution of the different variants of the section:

enum class Keyword
    Unknown, Foo, Bar, Quux

Keyword parseKeyword(const std::string_view word);

SECTION("Verify our parsing algorithm works with the most relevant words in the vocabulary of a programmer")
     const std::string_view word = GENERATE("foo", "bar", "quux");
     Approvals::verify(parseKeyword(word)); // If we approve "foo", it fails in the next iteration of the generator
Manu343726 commented 1 year ago

If I manually generate the sections it works as intended:

SECTION("Verify our parsing algorithm works with the most relevant words in the vocabulary of a programmer")
    for(const auto word : {"foo", "bar", "quux"})
        SECTION(fmt::format("works with '{}'", word))
            const std::string_view word = GENERATE("foo", "bar", "quux");
            Approvals::verify(parseKeyword(word)); // Now works, one approval per word