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Adding SublimeMerge support #46

Closed ViBiOh closed 4 months ago

ViBiOh commented 8 months ago


Add support for Sublime Merge diff tool

The solution

Call the smerge binary if available

ViBiOh commented 8 months ago

cc @isidore

tyrcho commented 4 months ago

@isidore @emilybache are you looking for help maintaining this project ? we'd need some faster feedback on the lib to use it more extensively and could offer some time to help with the maintenance if you make us maintainers of the project.

isidore commented 4 months ago

@tyrcho Yes actually, I haven't been using golang lately. and would be happy for some help. would you be up for a bit of pair programming?

Send me an email ( llewellyn.falco at )

tyrcho commented 3 months ago

Hey @isidore , have you received my email last month ? April 19th so it should still be in your spams :D