appserver-io / appserver

A multithreaded application server for PHP, written in PHP.
Open Software License 3.0
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Website is down #1106

Closed jamlev closed 6 years ago

jamlev commented 6 years ago

The website is down.

wick-ed commented 6 years ago

Hi there @jamlev and welcome to Github :)

Thanks for the issue but we intentionally took it down due to the GDPR regulations. :( Did not have the time to fix all the legal parts yet.

Regards, Bernhard

jamlev commented 6 years ago

I see, Bernhard. Can I be of any help? I had liked the table you featured showing the contrast between and the Java servlet stack. Do you have a document you can share with similar content?

Thanks, James

wick-ed commented 6 years ago

Hi James, thanks for the offer, but we just need a legal checkup of the page which is already on the way. :)

A lot of the old site content can be found here:

Is there anything you are currently planing to do with the appserver? We are always interested to hear about any user experiences. You might also want to check out our gitter chat if so:

Best regards, Bernhard

jamlev commented 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing this, Bernhard! We're looking to containerize in an offering similar to at best or Heroku at worst but that allows you to assemble a CMS/WCM from PHP frameworks (Lareval, Symfony, CakePHP, etc.) and components (like PECL) following the MDD/MDA approach. This is obviously not for the consumer Web segment whereas the headless CMS customer (medium to larger enterprises) would feel right at home with it. We were working mostly with HHVM to realize this but their roadmap diverged from PHP 7.x too much lately.

Cheers, James

wick-ed commented 6 years ago

Sounds interesting! :) Where does appserver fill into your plans? Simply as another framework (so you can build webapps) or do you want to base your hosted solutions on the appserver infrastructure (if so chosen/or in general)?

Best Regards, Bernhard

jamlev commented 6 years ago would be most suited for the upper layer app stack between the frameworks and the IDE/Modeler to compose and orchestrate component/service interactions. On the deployment side, it will serve PHP Apps (PAplets) on an equal keel to Portlets on the Java side. So appserver will be the new way to develop and package either standalone or integrated php webapps (served through a eXo or Liferay Portal) within a Platform-as-a-Service infrastructure. It will be free and open source (like Cloud Foundry or OpenShift) for development purposes and paid for production instances.

Thanks, James

wick-ed commented 6 years ago

Puuuhh, sounds like quite a plan! 👍 I hope you would like to keep in touch as your plan progresses :) You can always reach us in our gitter chat (also for private chats), here or via email (bw[at] if you have any questions or if we can assist you.

Hope your plans will go well.

Best regards, Bernhard

wick-ed commented 5 years ago

Site is back up again. :)