appsody / stacks

Appsody application stacks. This repo will be archived soon.
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"./mvnw quarkus:list-extensions" fails #671

Open dinogun opened 4 years ago

dinogun commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

$ ./mvnw quarkus:list-extensions
./mvnw: line 276: /data/dev/kabanero/quarkus/.mvn/wrapper/ No such file or directory
/data/dev/kabanero/quarkus/.mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.jar: No such file or directory
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.maven.wrapper.MavenWrapperMain
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.wrapper.MavenWrapperMain

Environment Details (please complete the following information): appsody version - 0.5.8 Using the quarkus stack from the experimental repo

experimental    quarkus                     0.2.3       *default            Quarkus runtime for running Java applications

Additional context The workaround mentioned in does not help either. However what helps if we copy the .mvn dir from the workaround above to the directory where the quarkus application was initialized. The command then works.

nastacio commented 4 years ago

The direct mvnw calls used to work.

My workaround for now is a bit simpler:

docker exec $container-name /project/user-app/mvnw quarkus:list-extensions

For instance, my app dir is quarkus-microservice, so I used

docker exec quarkus-microservice-dev /project/user-app/mvnw quarkus:list-extensions