appsquickly / typhoon

Powerful dependency injection for Objective-C ✨✨ (https://PILGRIM.PH is the pure Swift successor to Typhoon!!)✨✨
Apache License 2.0
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Creating a collaborating assembly called 'assembly' causes crashes #570

Open jasperblues opened 6 years ago

jasperblues commented 6 years ago

Steps to repro:

In header:

@property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) ApplicationAssembly *assembly; 

In impl:

- (ProfilePreviewHelper *)profilePreviewHelper
    return [TyphoonDefinition withClass:[ProfilePreviewHelper class] configuration:^(TyphoonDefinition *definition) {
        [definition injectProperty:@selector(assembly)];
        [definition injectProperty:@selector(profileService)];
        [definition injectProperty:@selector(rootController) with:[self.assembly rootController]];
        [definition injectProperty:@selector(candidatesService)];
        definition.scope = TyphoonScopeWeakSingleton;