appstract / laravel-opcache

Laravel Package for OPcache
MIT License
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OPCache not working in All domains #140

Closed jalpab closed 2 years ago

jalpab commented 2 years ago

I have Zend opcache compiled with PHP7.4 and enabled with following configuration opcache.memory_consumption=128 opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8 opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000 opcache.revalidate_freq=0 opcache.validate_timestamps = 0 opcache.fast_shutdown=0 opcache.enable_cli=0 opcache.enable=1 When i checked it with one of my domains in my server using phpinfo(); , There i can see Opcache is enabled and running. But when i checked the same with other domains, Opcache is showing as Disabled. How can i make opcache running in all domains. I never had this issue in the past. I wonder how this happened now?

Need suggestions please.

ovanschie commented 2 years ago

Not an issue with the package