apptik / MultiSlider

Multi functional slider/seekbar( / rangebar / scrubber) for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Individual thumb click listeners #63

Open viestursGr opened 7 years ago

viestursGr commented 7 years ago

So far I didn't find a way how to put on click listener on individual thumbs. The user case I have is that each individual thumb should be able to disable itself by press on the respective thumb. Hence individual thumb on click listeners are needed. Unless there is a hidden functionality I am not aware off and you don't have any plans for it, I could try making such functionality. Either way, response would be welcomed (and advice)!

bmx666 commented 7 years ago

Hi, @viestursGr

You cat fix library to this:

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
                if (isInScrollingContainer() && mDraggingThumbs.size() == 0) {
                    mTouchDownX = event.getX(pointerIdx);
                    if (currThumb != null) {
                        setThumbValue(currThumb, getValue(event, currThumb), true);
                        setHotspot(xx, yy, currThumb);

And add some stuffs in project

public class MultiSliderFragmentRange extends Fragment {

    private boolean moved = false;
    private int start_value = 0;
    private int thumb_idx = -1;


    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle
            savedInstanceState) {

        multiSlider1.setOnThumbValueChangeListener(new MultiSlider.SimpleChangeListener() {
            public void onValueChanged(MultiSlider multiSlider, MultiSlider.Thumb thumb, int
                    thumbIndex, int value) {
                moved |= start_value != value;
                thumb_idx = thumbIndex;

        multiSlider1.setOnTrackingChangeListener(new MultiSlider.OnTrackingChangeListener() {

            private long pressStartTime;
            private long pressEndTime;

            public void onStartTrackingTouch(MultiSlider multiSlider, MultiSlider.Thumb thumb, int value) {
                pressStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                moved = false;
                start_value = value;
                thumb_idx = -1;

            public void onStopTrackingTouch(MultiSlider multiSlider, MultiSlider.Thumb thumb, int value) {
                if (!moved && thumb_idx != -1) {
                    pressEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    final long diff = pressEndTime - pressStartTime;
                    final long long_duration = ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout();
                    if (diff > long_duration)
                        Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Long Click " + thumb_idx, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                        Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Click " + thumb_idx, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

It's ugly solution, but if you can create better, pls make pull request.

viestursGr commented 7 years ago

Made an incomplete solution in few hours, not the best, but could work for now. I'll improve it and test it later. Check out my fork (won't make pull request until it's better unless you really want it)

bmx666 commented 7 years ago

@viestursGr I looked at your code. I think that the library requires refactoring for more flexibility and simplify add new features for thumbs.

P.S. Some time ago I started prototyping binding view for thumbs in this branch, but I don't have time to resume work. I specially made external class for Thumbs, because part of Thumb's logic should be completely independent from slider. I thinking about base object (with few basic methods for slider), which user can inherit and add to slider.