appuio / cloud-portal

APPUiO Cloud Portal (Web Frontend)
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"Create Billing" form #522

Closed ccremer closed 1 year ago

ccremer commented 1 year ago


As Portal user\ I want to create a new Billing entity\ So that can start consuming APPUiO resources without manual work in the backoffice


A billing entity (BE) is required to generate and send invoices to the user/company. Thus, it is required even before being able to create organizations.

So far, BE were manually created and maintained by VSHN. Now it should be possible to self-service the information. There is still a manual backoffice process in the background to verify for compliance reasons, but this is out-of-scope here.

Out of Scope

Further links

Acceptance Criteria

Given I have the permission to create new billing entities
When I visit the Billing list at `/billingentities`
Then the button "Create billing address" is visible

Given I am on the Billing list at `/billingentities`
When I click on the "Create billing address" button
Then I am navigated to `/billingentities/$new`
And I see the "Create billing address" form
And the "Create billing address" form contains a legal notice <1>

Given I have completed the "Create billing address" form with valid values
When I click button "Create"
Then a new BillingEntity is saved in Kubernetes
And I am navigated back to the preview view where I originally navigated from, or to `/billingentities` as fallback.
<1> By registering a billing address, you agree that you will get charged for using VSHN products. You also agree to our [general terms and conditions]( ### Implementation Notes * When creating a Billing Entity, a company address is required. Since there could be international users, the address should be as open as possible regarding valid values (e.g. there are addresses without house number for example) * At the time of writing, doesn't list any "create" and "update" permissions. This should be granted for this feature for the rollout but for local development you have to give it yourselves. * From a technical perspective we say "Billing Entity", this is also how the resources are called in the backend. From a users' perspective, this is too technical, we suggest calling that "Billing address".
corvus-ch commented 1 year ago

@tobru Can you please check the wording of the legal notice? Also, is it linking to the correct document?