Open xzyfer opened 8 years ago
Hello, you can install msi you need at init
stage of AppVeyor build with simple script which takes about 20 seconds and looks like this:
Write-Host "Installing node-chakracore..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Downloading..."
$msiPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\node-chakracore-x64.msi"
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', $msiPath)
Write-Host "Installing..."
cmd /c start /wait msiexec /i $msiPath /quiet
Write-Host "node-chakracore installed" -ForegroundColor Green
Thanks @IlyaFinkelshteyn. I've tried something similar but run into an issue with DownloadFile
Exception calling "DownloadFile" with "2" argument(s): "The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly."
At line:5 char:3
+ (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(' ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebException
node-chakracore installed
Please try script provided, it was tested with AppVeyor before publishing here,
Also you can implement retry if network connection appears to be flaky.
I have tried what you have suggested. I'm getting the above error.
I can get it installing now but node
appears to still be executing node 4.
OK, I am not very familiar with this product, but I see that when you install msi, it creates Node.js (chakracore) command prompt shortcut from which commands supposed to be executed. No difference with AppVeyor I believe. This shortcut calls C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files\nodejs (chakracore)\nodevars.bat"
. Please try to add this command before executing you node code and see if this helps.
I have managed to get this working in
For reference node-chakracore is an experimental new Node.js engine currently primarily targeted at Windows. It's something Node projects on Windows will want to start testing against. It's for this reason I opened this request for an official support.
Install-Product node-chakracore $env:nodejs_version $env:platform
@IlyaFinkelshteyn . currently is fetching the msi from node-chakracore release page. We are working on getting CI builds from node-cahkracore
in nodejs org. Once that is done, we should add custom installation in nodejs-utils.psm1 for node-chakracore
which will download the version specific binaries from That way, we (node-chakracore
or node-sass
team) won't have to worry editing the appveyor.yml
of node-sass
every time we release new binary.
Alternatively we could use nvs that supports running various versions of node in CI environment. It has support for both appveyor and Travis.
I would like to see out-of-the-box nvs
available in Appveyor, both for Node.js versions and for Chakra like @kunalspathak pointed out. I think that may work better in the end vs the PowerShell script used currently?
Once that is done, we should add custom installation in nodejs-utils.psm1 for node-chakracore which will download the version specific binaries from That way, we (node-chakracore or node-sass team) won't have to worry editing the appveyor.yml of node-sass every time we release new binary.
@kunalspathak You could also retrieve latest tag from GitHub to build the download URL. For example:
Add support for node-chakracore. They provide precompiled msi binaries for each GH release.
This will help adoption, and stress testing of node-chakracore.