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Add ability to manually specify repo when adding new project #1408

Open IlyaFinkelshteyn opened 7 years ago

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 7 years ago

There are cases when repo list is not good enough -- new repos can be missed from list, it is a repo from outside of user's organizations. Textbox where user can enter owner/repo would be helpful. It is also good for very long repos list.

ericnewton76 commented 6 years ago

Oh please yes! I'm having so much trouble getting everything to sync right.

I have an appveyor organization commandlineparser, and on github commandlineparser, but I haven't been able to get them to sync correctly at all yet. From the very beginng of Add Project, the list of repos doesnt include the github_org:commandlineparser repos, and i cant get the webhooks to properly autheticate into appveyor.

I'll be eagerly anticipating seeing this issue through triage and resolution :smile:

ericnewton76 commented 6 years ago

I'm actually stuck, can't add a new project because I can't select a repo. Here's what I see: image

ericnewton76 commented 6 years ago

Also, since some of the repos already linked to projects on appveyor, maybe have a UX that initially automatically hides repos that have appveyor projects already?

ericnewton76 commented 6 years ago

So, final update. I'm betting GitHub wasnt working here, and now is working. I had granted appveyor access to other organizations before, and magically they werent granted again. So I regranted and now I can select these orgs.

Still having the ability to manually type the name would be helpful though!

jakirkham commented 5 years ago

Any news on this? Was just about to enable AppVeyor for a new project, but it appears I'm stuck on the loading page. :'( Happy to help testing a beta version of this feature (once it exists). :)

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@jakirkham maybe you can leverage GitHub Apps integration and provide granular access to specific repos, so API call to GitHub will not return that much? Or you still need AppVeyor to access all repos?

ericnewton76 commented 5 years ago

It appears Appveyor has done a lot of excellenet updates that seem to make this work well... I especially like that login with github while managing organizations is a lot more streamlined than before.

The core issue appears to have been fixed... I believe it was just a protocol parity issue between Appveyor and Github that appears to be resolved.