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enable integration with Microfocus Fortify static analysis on demand #2721

Open dguimbellot opened 5 years ago

dguimbellot commented 5 years ago

We use fortify on demand for static code analysis. I do the uploads manually in the IDE today. Ideally i could stream this in when we do a 'release' build. They have a new integration that could make our solution more secure

from their docs... FoDUploader Fortify on Demand provides a build server integration (BSI) tool called FoDUploader to help you upload applications from a build server. FoDUploader runs from the command-line on all major operating systems and thus can easily be integrated into a build script.

The benefits of using FoDUploader include:

sending files to Fortify on Demand without a size limitation transmitting files securely from a client workstation to Fortify on Demand using a BSI token transmitting through a proxy, if required API Key and secret authentication

FoDUploader Versions

Two versions of the FoDUploader tool are available:

Java application named FoDUpload.jar (Java 8 must be installed on your system)

FoDUpload.jar wrapped in a Windows native executable named Note: The .NET version of the FoDUploader is no longer supported by Fortify on Demand and is marked as obsolete. Recommended FoDUploader Usage

If you are uploading an application from a build server on a non-Windows operating system, Fortify recommends using FoDUpload.jar. If you are uploading an application from a build server on a Windows operating system, Fortify recommends using .

Note: If you are building a .NET application entirely within the Visual Studio or Eclipse IDEs, you can alternatively use the IDE plugins to upload the application and start a static scan. This section covers the following topics:

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

Can this tool be officially downloaded for free? Or some licensing required? I made a quick look at and did not find an answer.

If official free download is available, we can try to help you with a script to download and install it on demand. If this software requires purchasing and licensing, I would recommend you to look at our hybrid solution called private build cloud (setup info). In this case you can add your custom image with this tool pre-installed to your builds.

dguimbellot commented 5 years ago MIT license

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@dguimbellot so you can download any release on the fly at say install stage in build pipeline and use. How to do that described here