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Search Build.props files for test projects in netcore #2816

Open jchannon opened 5 years ago

jchannon commented 5 years ago

Appveyor looks inside csproj files to work out if they are test projects and then runs the tests.

.NET Core can also use Directory.Build.props files that get merged with the csproj at runtime below it see here:

In the test projects in that link they do not reference any of the packages appveyor looks for as they are used in the props file so appveyor does not find those tests

casperOne commented 4 years ago

Is there any movement on this? I find myself in the same situation, with hierarchical files.

It's possible to get the merged props file using dotnet msbuild with the pp flag:

Which I think is what is required to get the unified view of the project file (and a lot more).