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Visual Studio 2019 #2907

Closed chronoxor closed 5 years ago

chronoxor commented 5 years ago

Can you please give estimations when the "Visual Studio 2019" image will be available?

EwoutH commented 5 years ago

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.0.1 is out now

EwoutH commented 5 years ago

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.0.3 was just released.

Any ETA on the VS 2019 image?

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

Should be available this month, but cannot give a specific promises.

Zingam commented 5 years ago

Should be available this month, but cannot give a specific promises.

Are the preview versions of VS2019 (currently 16.1.0) supported/included? I adopt some C++20 features as they become available.

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

First draft of Visual Studio 2019 image is available. At the moment we do not have an official list of installed software. but you can get a good idea by looking into respective packer configuration.

We will update the image per your feedback.

We enable it per request now. We already enabled it for those who reacted to this comment. Send us your AppVeyor account if you do not see this image available for you.

Note that this image runs on Azure so build Starting stage will be 2-4 minutes (time to provision Azure VM).

EwoutH commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn Thanks for the update!

Could you add, and

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@EwoutH please try now... hopefully I guessed AppVeyor accounts (which are not always the same as GitHub users) correctly.

mikejsavage commented 5 years ago

Please could you enable it for this account? Appveyor user is also mikejsavage

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@mikejsavage enabled

xt0rted commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn could you enable it for this account please?

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@xt0rted done, please try.

Croydon commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn Could you please enable for bincrafters (both AppVeyor and GitHub name)?

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@Croydon sure, it is enabled. It was actually enabled already as we did it for all who reacted to this comment :)

Croydon commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn Thanks!

The current installed CMake version is 3.13

Unfortunately, only CMake >= 3.14 is supporting Visual Studio 2019 so all CMake builds are blocked for the moment until CMake gets upgraded

Edit: That's issue #2891 then :)

matt77hias commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn could you enable it for this account please?

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@mancoast done.

LePresidente commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn Could you enable it for the Appveyor Username "ModOrganizer2" Its the main appveyor account used by our team

neilboyd commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn Please could you enable it for the account NIPOSoftware. Thanks.

EwoutH commented 5 years ago
atifaziz commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn Would be much appreciated if you could enable it for my account called raboof.

chronoxor commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn Please enable for my account. I can test it on my open source projects!

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@matt77hias @chronoxor @atifaziz @neilboyd @LePresidente enabled.

TheQwertiest commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn could you enable it for this account please? (these must be really annoying for you :D)

On the related note: is it possible to add Windows SDK 10.0.18362.0 to the image? And was VS updated to the recently released 16.1?

neilboyd commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn are you planning to add docker to the vs2019 image?

chronoxor commented 5 years ago

CMake is also should be updated to 3.14 because of "Visual Studio 16 2019" generator.

LePresidente commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn Will boost 1.70 and QT 5.12.3 be added to this new image as well?

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@TheQwertiest enabled. WDK 1903 is coming.

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@neilboyd We have Windows Server 2019 image for all kinds of Docker/WSL experiments and can enable it for you. This one however has only Visual Studio 2017 installed. Do you need Visual Studio 2017 and Docker?

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@LePresidente It should not be any issues to add boost 1.70. However we are not sure about QT. Will adding just boost 1.70 help or it makes sense only with QT?

neilboyd commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn I'm currently using the Visual Studio 2017 image. That has Docker installed. I was hoping to change to Visual Studio 2019 and still have Docker. But it's not urgent. I saw that you added Docker and then removed it again, so I was wondering if you were planning to put it back again.

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@neilboyd Ah this image initially was created on the basis of Windows Server 2019 and this removed part is what I forgot to delete. I think we will merge both images later, when Visual Studio 2019 stabilize. At the moment adding Docker (and hydrating it with all commonly using images) adds few hours to the image Packer build, but we want a quicker turnaround at this stage.

neilboyd commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn Thanks. I can wait 😄

LePresidente commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn boost will help with one of our projects, QT is a requirement for alot of our other builds though. We are currently on the VS2019 Preview and it does include QT 5.12.2

Silarn commented 5 years ago

@LePresidente @IlyaFinkelshteyn Actually, the preview image currently only has 5.11 which causes the main project to fail since it does use a feature introduced in 5.12. The rest of the projects are building. Going from 5.12.2 to 5.12.3 isn't the most important thing, but it would be nice to have for the fixes it includes. Boost 1.70 would be good, though it's mostly a dependency for us during the build process as it's the first version to support VS2019. If it's prebuilt it's not as important AFAIK.

CMake 3.14 would be pretty good to have as it supports a VS2019 generator - however since I transitioned to using "NMake Makesfiles JOM" for appveyor builds, it's no longer a blocker. Still a good thing to have on a VS 2019 image.

Edit: I guess it doesn't have any Qt version or Qt Creator, so no JOM to build with. Those are definitely requirements for us.

xt0rted commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn I'm using this with .net core and so far there's no issues.

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@TheQwertiest Windows SDK 10.0.18362.0 installed @chronoxor Cmake 3.14 installed @EwoutH Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1 installed

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@xt0rted thanks a lot for the update!

chronoxor commented 5 years ago

Found an issue with setup/update Cygwin packages with commands:

  - if not exist "C:\cygwin64" mkdir "C:\cygwin64"
  - appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile "" -FileName "C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe"
  - C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --upgrade-also --root "C:\cygwin64" --local-package-dir "C:\cache\cygwin" --packages cmake,automake,make,gcc-core,gcc-g++,libjsoncpp19,librhash0,libuv1

got the build hangs and the last output was:

Starting cygwin install, version 2.897
User has backup/restore rights
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory
Current Directory: C:\cache\cygwin
Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access.
root: C:\cygwin64 system
Selected local directory: C:\cache\cygwin
net: Preconfig

XhmikosR commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn: can you enable the VS2019 image for my account? Thanks!

ucpu-bot commented 5 years ago

Please enable vs2019 image for this account. Thanks :D

I was able to make cmake 3.14 work on the preview image, but cmake apparently fails to find the preview versions of visual studio. However, the non-preview image versions apparently works :D

RehanSaeed commented 5 years ago

Please enable for my account. Thank you!

Zingam commented 5 years ago

I see only Visual Studio 2019 Preview is that it or there is a Visual Studio 2019 image that I should see?

Please enable it for me too.

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@XhmikosR @ucpu-bot @RehanSaeed @Zingam enabled. Sorry for some delay :)

janisozaur commented 5 years ago

Please enable this for my account: janisozaur and the ones of OpenRCT2 team: IntelOrca and OpenLoco's: AaronVanGeffen

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@janisozaur done

Zingam commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn please install the Ninja build system: It is just a few kilobytes but it is the best way to build CMake projects even with VS2019, which supports CMake+Ninja builds by default from within the IDE. Well, not just on Windows but on Linux too.

IlyaFinkelshteyn commented 5 years ago

@Zingam @chronoxor how you workaround this now? Do you use

Zingam commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn I use python pip on Windows (because I am too lazy do as others do it) and apt install on linux. Actually when I think about it. CMake & Ninja must be already installed inside of VS2019 as part of the C++ work item and are used by VS2019 default. Unfortunately they are not in the PATH.

EwoutH commented 5 years ago

@IlyaFinkelshteyn I would really love Ninja and Meson pre-installed! (see #2835)

moh-hassan commented 5 years ago

vs2019 v16.1.1 is out May 24, 2019