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Qt6 is missing the serialport module #3761

Closed tumic0 closed 2 years ago

tumic0 commented 2 years ago

The msvc2019 64-bit build of Qt 6.2.2 is missing the serialport module. In addition to direct serial port access from the applications, it is also required by the Qt NMEA positioning plugin.

FeodorFitsner commented 2 years ago

Will add those during the next update.

In the meantime you can easily install any missing addons with the following PS script:

iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
Install-QtComponent -Version "6.2.2" -Name "addons.qtserialport" -Path C:\Qt -ExcludeDocs -ExcludeExamples
Install-QtComponent -Version "6.2.2" -Name "addons.qtserialport.win64_msvc2019_64" -Path C:\Qt -ExcludeDocs -ExcludeExamples
ConfigureQtVersion C:\Qt "6.2.2"