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MySQL 8 on Windows #3834

Open jackpoz opened 1 year ago

jackpoz commented 1 year ago

It would be nice to include MySQL 8 in some windows machine. According to the only MySQL version included on windows in 5.7 .

Shauren commented 9 months ago

This becomes more relevant now that 5.7 reaches its EOL date

jackpoz commented 9 months ago

@OwenMcDonnell it feels like this issue got lost. MySQL 5.7 has EOL set on October 21, 2023 , after which everyone will have to move to MySQL 8.

OwenMcDonnell commented 9 months ago

You're right, it did get lost! Apologies, but I'll be sure to include it in the next image update.

dveeden commented 8 months ago

The doc still only lists MySQL 5.7, which by now has reached EOL.

Note that MySQL 8.1.0 and 8.2.0 were released recently as well. While 8.0.x is stable the 8.1.x and 8.2.x releases are innovation releases. suggests that MySQL 8.0 might be included already for some images.

OwenMcDonnell commented 8 months ago

Docs will be updated soon to reflect that MySQL 8.0 is indeed now pre-installed on Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2022 images. Unfortunately, this update doesn't yet work with the services: config syntax. Simple workaround for now is to add the following to your config.

  - ps: Start-Service MySQL80

We'll consider newer releases at next image update.

Bartleby2718 commented 3 months ago

I realized that the same problem exists for Postgres 15. If you want to start both MySQL 8.0 and Postgres 15 on a Windows image, you can do

  - ps: Start-Service MySQL80, postgresql-x64-15

because Start-Service accepts a comma-separated list of service names.